Tips to prevent returns

Preventing returns does not only increase customer satisfaction, but it also saves you time and money. Read the 6 tips below for fewer returns.

Tip 1: Check the item before shipping

  • This ensures that the item is in good condition and complete when you send it to the customer.

Tip 2: Pack the item properly

  • With sturdy packaging in which the item cannot move, you prevent damage of the item during transit.

Tip 3: Make sure you provide good product information

  • Complete product information with the right specifications and clear images, ensures that the customer receiving what they were expecting. This reduces the chances of them being disappointed by the order and returning it.

Tip 4: Review previous returns

  • By looking at previous returns from other customers, you can spot room for improvement.

Tip 5: Communicate proactively

  • If you fail to send an order on time, then be sure to proactively inform the customer about this and ask if they would still like to receive the item.

Tip 6: Provide clear return conditions and instructions

  • Some items are more prone to returns than others. Therefore, you don't always have control over your returns. In any case, make sure your return conditions and instructions are clear so that a customer knows how to return an order to you.

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Own return service

Want to set up your own return service in your seller dashboard? On this page, we explain you how to do so.