Customer still receives a lost or cancelled item

It may happen that an item that appears to be lost in shipment is still received by a customer after a delay. Or it was cancelled while it was already shipped. If a customer still receives a lost or cancelled item, find out what you can do to resolve this here.

Customer has received the previously lost item and wants to keep it

Contact Partnerservice to restore the payment associated with the order.

Cancelled item received and customer wants to keep it

Unfortunately, Partnerservice cannot create a new invoice for a cancelled order. The customer can place the order again in agreement with you, so an invoice is created for them. You do not then have to send the item again.

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useful information and suggestions

Explanation of the sales invoice

An overview of all income and expenses can be found on your Sales Invoice, which you receive every month in your seller dashboard.

No return received

Handle the return notification as soon as possible after you receive the return from the customer.

Receiving a return without a notification

You can accept the return of this order yourself in your seller dashboard.