Creating campaigns

There are 2 ways to create a campaign: automatically or manually. We explain both ways below.

There are 2 ways to create a campaign: automatic or manual. An automatic campaign enhances your campaign based on your chosen ACoS. In a manual campaign, you decide the price per click you bid with. 

This is how to create an automatic campaign:

  1. Open the ‘Advertise via bol’ environment. 
  2. Go to campaigns.  
  3. Select ‘Nieuwe campagne’.  
  4. Name your campaign.  
  5. Select the start and end date of your campaign. 
  6. Select your budget. You can choose between a daily budget and a total campaign budget. Note: When your budget runs out, your campaigns stop delivering. Make sure you always have enough financial space on your account.  
  7. Below bidding strategy, select ‘Automatisch bieden’. A default ACoS is set. Adjust this by clicking on ‘Geavanceerd’. Then select the desired ACoS.  
  8. Select the countries you want to advertise in. 
  9. Select ‘Volgende’.  
  10. Select the items you want to advertise with.  
  11. Below keywords, select ‘Automatisch toevoegen’.
  12. Launch the campaign.

This is how to create a manual campaign:

  1. Open the ‘Advertise via bol’ environment.  
  2. Go to campaigns.  
  3. Select ‘Nieuwe campagne’.
  4. Name your campaign.  
  5. Select the start and end date of your campaign.  
  6. Select your budget. You can choose between a daily budget and a total campaign budget.  
  7. Below bidding strategy, select ‘Handmatig bieden’.  
  8. Next, enter your maximum click price -or CPC-. This is the maximum amount you want to pay per click. Note: There may be a minimum click price. This is different for each category in which you advertise.
  9. Select whether you want to bid on items or keywords.  
  10. Select the countries you want to advertise in.  
  11. Select ‘Volgende’.  
  12. Select the items you want to advertise with.  
  13. Below keywords, select ‘Handmatig toevoegen’.  
  14. Add your keywords.  
  15. Launch the campaign.  

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