Creating successful campaigns

Once you've set up your campaigns, it's time to optimise them. There are some things to take into account to ensure they are as successful as possible.

How to create successful campaigns?

Once you have your campaigns set up, it is time to optimise them. In any case, it is good to give your campaigns 2 weeks and use the results of those 2 weeks to optimise it further. There are some things you can take into account beforehand to make sure you are as successful as possible. We’re happy to list the tips for you:

1. Keep track of your campaigns

By keeping track of your campaigns, you can see exactly which items are doing well via sponsored products and which are not. That way, you know exactly where to focus your attention. To make the results even clearer, you can split your campaigns. There are 2 ways to do this:

  • Split your campaigns based on (sub)categories
  • Split your campaigns based on performance

Read more about splitting your campaigns.

2. Base your ads on keywords

With this method, you advertise on keywords to be as visible as possible in search engines, in this case that of bol. Be efficient with your keywords. By determining which searches or keywords are most relevant to your offer, you can then bid to place your items at the top of the search results. For instance, it’s smart to pause or exclude keywords that don’t receive many likes. You can read more on choosing the right keywords on our keyword strategy page.

3. Start with an automated campaign

A campaign with an automatic bidding strategy is the perfect way to start. Both for those who are new to the world of sponsored products as well as more experienced advertisers. When you choose automatic bidding, you can set a desired ACoS between 5% or 50%. The automatic bidding strategy will then use this desired ACoS as a guideline for the bids in this campaign. Note: it is a guideline and the realised ACoS could be higher or lower. Read more on choosing the right bidding strategy here.

4. Set a daily budget and check if it has been reached

With sponsored products, it is possible to set a daily budget for your campaign. By setting a daily budget, you set the maximum spend per day and you will know in advance what your maximum costs will be. We recommend always setting a daily budget to control the daily expenditure of your campaigns.

5. Monitor your campaigns

When you set up your campaigns, it is good to see exactly what is happening and make adjustments where necessary. For example, it is useful to:

  • Check your campaign budget or daily budget regularly and see if it has been reached
  • Check the number of views of your campaign
  • To check whether your bids are high enough
  • Run regular reports under ‘Rapporten’ (reports) in your seller account.

Have you started to run your campaign? Then watch the video with optimisation tips (in Dutch):

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