Advice by agencies

Our agencies provide advice on how to sell optimally via bol. Whether it's about putting your product information online or outlining a strategy, they can help you with all questions you have. On this page, you will read how agencies can help you and what agency certification entails.

Our agencies are here to help

Don’t have the time to set up your campaigns properly yourself? Or would you like someone to help you? Our agencies can advise you on how to sell optimally via bol – whether this involves putting your product information online or outlining a strategy. We have selected a number of agencies that are happy to help.

Advertising Certified

As you can see above, there are many different agencies that bol works with. There are a number of agencies that have received special certification. They are recommended by bol because they have extensive expertise in advertising via bol. They will help you define a strategy and give you advice on how to optimise your visibility.

These agencies offer you the opportunity to completely outsource Advertising via bol. In short, they take the work off your hands. You can recognise these agencies by the special Advertising Certificate label they use.

Curious to know what an agency could help you with? Watch the video below (in Dutch):

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useful information at a glance

How sponsored products work

Want to know the basics of sponsored products? All the information you need is bundled on this page.

Splitting your campaigns

Splitting campaigns will help you deploy your campaigns more effectively. It is important to have a clear structure and to limit the number of items per campaign.

Webinars sponsored products

To help you deploy and optimise sponsored products campaigns as much as possible, we regularly organise fun webinars. We have different webinars with basic information for those who are new, or advanced webinars for those who are more experienced.