Add product information per item in your seller dashboard

On this page, you can read more about how product information is structured and how you can add it per item

1. How is product information structured?

Good product information is important for successfully selling your range via bol. This is because this information helps the customer to form a clear picture of his possible purchase. The more information is known about an item, the more likely the customer is to make a purchase. Also, with complete product information, your item becomes more findable – both within and via external search engines like Google. However, not all information is equally essential, so it is good to know what levels there are:

  • Basic information: basic information necessary for a customer to see what kind of item is involved. Think EAN, title and at least 1 image.
  • Mandatory information: information that is minimally required to put your item online.
  • Optional information: additional information that helps customers get an even better picture of the item and allows them to make a purchase faster.

How do you add information per item?

Adding product information per item is done via the product information page in your seller dashboard. To do so, follow the steps below:

2. In your sales account, click on ‘Artikelen' at the top, then select ‘Mijn aanbod’

Is the item you want to edit not listed here? Then add it to your offer first via ‘Aanbod per stuk toevoegen’, below the ‘Artikelen’ menu button.

3. Find the item you want to edit

Find the item whose product information you want to edit. This can also be done by typing the EAN, ISBN or title in the search bar.

4. Click on the arrow next to 'Bekijk je artikel'

For the item you want to edit, click on the arrow next to ‘Bekijk artikel’ on the right and then for ‘Bewerk productinformatie’.

5. Now you see the basic information of your item

You are now taken to the product information page. Here you will find the main features of the item at the top, such as the title, EAN, product group and product information quality. If you click on the arrow at the top right, you will immediately see how the item appears on the website.

6. Add product information

Below the heading ‘Productinformatie’, you can edit all product information per level. Here, all product information is grouped by relevance to this product. Each level indicates how many fields can be filled and how many fields have already been filled. Click on one of the levels to open or close this block of product information. Opening and closing levels keeps the page well-organised. As soon as you have changed something, the ‘Opslaan’ button appears at the bottom of the page.

There are 3 levels of product information:

  • Basic information
    Basic information necessary for a customer to see what kind of item it is. Think EAN, title and at least 1 image.
  • Mandatory information
    In addition to basic information, this information is required to put your item online. When both the basic and mandatory information of an item are filled, it reaches the ‘product information online’ level.
  • Optional information
    Additional information that helps customers get an even better picture of the item and enables them to make a purchase faster. When all optional information is also filled, you enter the level ‘product information complete’.

7. And now... Just a moment!

Additions or changes will be processed within 8 hours and may then be visible on bol. It is also possible that after 8 hours, your changes may not be visible. This may be because priority has been given to existing or other new product information from other partners or brands. For feedback on your changes, you can always visit the ‘Feedback’ section in your seller dashboard.

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Add product information per item

On this page, you can read more about how product information is structured and how you can add it per item.

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