Editing product information

Read all about editing product information, the possibilities and the quality of your product information.

Product information levels

When you improve or add product information in bulk, you can recognise the different levels by the following colours:

  • Red: minimum information to get your product online
  • Green: for optional information
  • Grey fields: fields that are not editable have a grey background, e.g. the EAN

If you see a field with a red border, this means there’s probably an incorrect value in this field. When you hover the cursor over it, a message indicates what is incorrect or what information is required.

Can you edit existing product information?

Each item has its own product page. When you sell an item that is also offered by other partners, you share the product page. To display the best product information on that page, it is possible to change existing product information. A few things are important to know here:

  • It can take up to 8 hours before the change is visible on our platform.
  • If there are several partners offering the same item, it is possible that changes for those items will not become visible. In this case, a combination of product information from other partners will be used. You will be informed about this on the feedback pages.
  • The product information can also be changed by other partners. Such changes are made when they are relevant for the customer.

How would you like to change your product information?

One item at a time
Would you like a clear overview per item of which information is still needed or simply see and/or update the product information of one item? Then you can do this easily via the content manager.

In Bulk via the bulk editor
To add product information of 2 items or more, we recommend this option. We show the existing product information in an online editor. It has many of the same advantages as Excel. You can easily drag information from one cell to another, which if you want to add the same product information to several cells. Also, this process gives you clear insight into which product information is still needed to get the product online.

Add product information for multiple items via Excel
Are you still familiar with uploading product information via Excel? Then this option is also available. Upload your Excel file via “add items in bulk” and go through the steps. In fact, it is also possible to only add product information instead of new items.

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