Responding to negative assessment grade

On this page, you will find tips on how to respond to customers who give you a negative rating.

1. Always contact the customer first

In your seller dashboard, at ‘Beoordelingen’, you will find all the reviews you have received. It could be valuable to contact the customer about the review, especially in the case of a negative review. By talking to each other, you could turn a negative experience into a positive one and perhaps offer a solution. If you want to get in touch, click ‘E-mail de klant’ for the review it concerns.

Tips to surprise and appreciate your customer

It is up to you to make an appropriate response. These 3 tips might help you:

  • Respond quickly, positively and personally.
  • Show empathy for the customer and their negative rating.
  • Offer the customer a solution, even when it is not your fault.

The positives of negative reviews

Having some negative reviews is not necessarily a bad thing, because it is precisely by showing negative reviews as well that you come across as more credible in the eyes of the customer. After all, it may well happen that someone is not satisfied. This is why 75% of the people who look up online reviews, deliberately look for negative reviews. Potential customers may become suspicious if they do not find them. It is precisely by finding negative reviews and showing how you deal with them that you can gain the customer’s trust.

The take-away here is: Don’t ignore a negative review.


After you have contacted the customer, you can send him a new review request once from your seller dashboard. This is done using the steps below:

2. Send the customer a reassessment request

In your seller dashboard, in the ‘Beoordelingen’ tab, click the text ‘Opnieuw laten beoordelen’. Note: This can only be done after you have contacted the customer via ‘E-mail de klant’.

Once the new assessment request has been sent, the text ‘Opnieuw laten beoordelen’ appears at the ‘Beoordelingsverzoek verzonden’ spot, along with the date.

3. Customer receives an assessment request

The client receives a new assessment request and is asked for an overall assessment grade only. Here the client can give a brief explanation.

4. You will receive a new customer review

When the customer has entered a new rating, it appears under the heading ‘Nieuwe algemene beoordeling’. This new grade is used to calculate your average assessment grade. The other grades remain from the first assessment.

5. Adjusted assessment grade

The rating on your personal shopping page now also changes.

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topics and tips at a glance

Customer review

Find out more about your assessment grade, how it came about, how to view it in the seller dashboard and how you can influence it.

NPS after customer contact

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) after customer contact is a recommendation score that indicates how satisfied customers are with your service following their customer query.

Product reviews

Besides reviews about you as a seller, customers can also rate items. Read more on how it works.