Accessibility by phone

It's important for customers to be able to reach you by phone. We maintain a service standard of being reachable 90% of all call attempts.

General information

For customers, direct and personal contact is very important. We therefore measure your accessibility. Additionally, customer queries are often resolved faster by phone, because you can outline the entire situation and answer follow-up questions immediately. We expect you to answer at least 90% of the call attempts during working hours: Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm (CET/CEST). Depending on your country of residence, official Dutch and Belgian public holidays are taken into account, so these days do not count. 

If you fail to meet the standard

If you fail to meet the standard, this is a signal that you need to improve your accessibility. After all, this is very important to customers. You will not receive a strike for this; we see this as your own responsibility. In the future, this may change. 

Tips for improvement

Would you like to extend your opening hours, for example to include evenings or weekends? Great! You can easily change this yourself in the settings in your seller dashboard.

Frequently asked questions

on accessibility by phone

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