Add item by item

If you want to put 1 item or a small number of items up for sale, you can easily do so in your seller dashboard. Follow the step-by-step plan on this page to add items to your range.

1. Add item by item

In the menu, go to ‘Artikelen’ and then to ‘Artikel per stuk toevoegen’. Add your offer per item and fill in the price, stock and delivery time, among other things. After, we refer you to the place where you add product information.

The roadmap below tells you how to add an item by item. From adding existing items as well as unique items, we will explain you everything. To add unique items, they must be new instead of second-hand.

2. Enter the item you want to sell

In your seller dashboard, go to ‘Artikelen’ and choose ‘Artikel per stuk toevoegen’. In the field at the top, enter the item you want to sell. You do this by entering an EAN, ISBN, title or (part of) the product description here.

3. Select the desired item

Have you found your item? Choose ‘toevoegen’ on the right-hand side. Now go to step 5 of the step-by-step plan.

Is your item not listed? Then choose the option ‘Nieuw (uniek) artikel toevoegen’ (add new unique item); scroll all the way down to find this option at the bottom of the list of product suggestions. Read on at step 4.

4. Give your new item a title and select a product group

Enter the EAN and the title for your new item and select a product group. You will see a number of product group suggestions. Select one of them or choose a product group yourself that better suits your items. Based on the selected product group we determine the minimum product information that is required to get the item online, amongst other things.

5. Enter your price, stock and delivery time

On what terms are you selling the item? Enter the following details:

  • Delivery time
  • Stock
  • Sale price
  • Condition
  • Reference code (optional)

Need help choosing a good selling price? Then take a look at the prices of other sellers. In addition, you can also see the commission paid for this item by hovering your mouse over the ‘i’ at ‘ kosten’.

6. Complete the product information

There is insufficient product information for new items and some existing items. You need to complete this before your item goes on sale on the shopping platform.

As of now, add French-language product information too

Did you know that from now on you can also add or edit French product information yourself for multiple items at the same time, via ‘Mijn artikelen overzicht’? You can follow almost the exact same steps:

  1. In your seller dashboard, go to ‘Mijn artikelen’.
  2. Select all the items you want to edit.
  3. Click on ‘Bewerk productinformatie’.
  4. Then click through until you land on the ‘Vul jouw productinformatie aan’ screen. At the top right, you can modify and add French product information by clicking on the French flag.
    Do you also want to modify the Dutch product information? Then click on the Dutch flag. You can switch between these without saving in between.
  5. Completely finished? Click ‘Wijzigingen opslaan’.

It is also possible to add or edit French-language information via ‘Artikelen in bulk toevoegen’. If you are wondering how this works, then read the step-by-step plan here.

Good to know

Additions or changes will be processed within 8 hours and will then be visible on bol. Are your changes still not visible after 8 hours? This could be because priority has been given to existing or other new product information from other partners or brands.

It may be that French product information is already present without you having entered it. This is because we also automatically translate the Dutch product information if you have entered it. We do this regularly. The French product information that is already present can of course be modified.

You will not see all the product characteristics you can enter in Dutch in this French-language edit page. This is because some product characteristics are automatically translated from Dutch. Is the information on the website incorrect because of this? Then adjust this product feature in Dutch, as this will also be automatically reflected in the French language.

Frequently asked questions

about french language product information

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useful information and tips

Add or change image per item

On this page, read all about adding and/or modifying images by piece.

Add multiple items at once

On this page, you will read how to add multiple items to your range at the same time using a step-by-step plan.